Dublin: 7 °C Saturday 15 March, 2025

This letter had a euro attached in place of a stamp, but An Post delivered it anyway

Hey, when you’re stuck, you’re stuck.

AN POST ARE regular little miracle workers, managing to deliver letters addressed to ‘ya know yer wan’ and any random object with a stamp on it.

anpost Source: meversusanpost.tumblr.com

But if you don’t have a stamp, don’t worry. A euro will do.

DailyEdge.ie reader Patrice Sheridan’s mam works in the x-ray department of Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown, and they received this rather unusual letter on Friday:

C_F4Cp9XsAIjsy7 Source: Twitter/@Pattieios

You don’t have a stamp, a stamp is a euro, hence a euro should work as a stamp, right? And the postie obviously said fair enough.

According to Patrice, the hospital rang the sender, who said they “hoped the staff got a laugh out of it” – and the euro is being kept to give back to them when they get in.

You have to love this country sometimes. <3

Thank you to Patrice Sheridan for the photo!

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